Biodiversity in johnston county


Lampe and Malphrus Lumber Company gave four acres to the Triangle Land Conservancy, which maintains the Flower Hill Nature Preserve on the Flower Hill Road near N.C. 231.  The tract is part of an area identified by the state's Natural Heritage Program as a significant natural community.  The site includes a hiking trail and a parking area, and it's known for having the easternmost population of rhododendron in North Carolina.

Howell Woods is an unique 2,800 acre natural resource designed to provide excellent educational experience while fostering environmental stewardship in Johnston County.

North Carolina Forestry Association and the  Landowners Guide

Clemmons Educational State Forest in Johnston County features self-guided trails and exhibits and Ranger conducted classes.  

Forests of North Carolina - Resource update FS-13

Division of Land and Water Stewardship of North Carolina DNCR programs focused on preserving our state's unique environment for generations to come.

 Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health           

American Tree Farm System  ATFS 2015 - 2020 Standards